Invest in a relationship today
The value of making time when you don’t have time can produce powerful results in your relationships. Research has shown that more than genetics, exercise, and nutrition, the key to longevity is “social integration.” It is never too late to reach out and build the relationships you want.
How far will you go to invest in meaningful relationships?
I share a story in my new book, Antidote when I made a weekly investment in my relationship with my son.
We had been living in the same city for 5 years at this point. Between our careers and his acceptance into law school, I could feel the separation looming over our relationship. We all know how easy it is to push the important things off until “someday.”
I knew that I did not want to lose touch with him but realized we were both busy and had little margin for additional commitments. I called Chris and asked him for 30 minutes every Friday to share a cup of coffee and catch up. Thankfully, he accepted and those 8 AM meetings over coffee became some of my most treasured moments with him.
The value of making time when you don’t have time can produce powerful results in your relationships. Research has shown that more than genetics, exercise, and nutrition, the key to longevity is “social integration.” It is never too late to reach out and build the relationships you want.
If this story resonates with you, join me on this journey as we explore a new emotional framework for your life by discovering the power of your personal resilience. Instead of falling apart when a crisis occurs, build Emotional Wellth™ that can lift you up again and again.
We have many other exciting things coming so be sure to follow me for the latest updates. Please like this post, share it, or tag a friend in the comments below. Help us spread the message of Antidote. Don’t put off building a relationship; do something before someday!